The House (game) Wiki

The living room is where the father of the family committed suicide (or did he?). In the room there is a radio, a picture of the father.   If you click the radio, a light should come on the radio. Click on the picture of the father an odd number of times and his eyes should move. Then, click the picture again a few times and it should fall off with a note. The note should say "Sorry and goodbye honey.  I am so lucky to be your wife”. Click on the safe a few times and a gun should fall out. Click the gun a few times and a spirit of the dad should appear on the screen 

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Click on the gun a few times again. Then click the picture. The eyes should look down and there should be blood coming from the eyes. Click the photo again and the father should be shot dead because there is a hole in his forehead she's come to shiting with The housemaid.
